Grendizer landed at Romics
A series of important events have celebrated Master Go Nagai, creator of Grendizer, special guest of Romics. A great exhibition was dedicated to Grendizer and so many activities dedicated to the Master and to his extraordinary artistic production were included in the program.
A great exhibition has celebrated the presence of Master Go Nagai.
Grendizer as absolute protagonist in its gadjet and toy versions: from the new to the vintage, to which are added iconographic materials, the original settei and cells. Moreover, the unmissable scale models of the others “Nagai’s creatures”, from Mazinger to Steel Jeeg, the prototypes of new action figures, the statues. The exhibition, composed by different sections, was also the scenery to the magnificent large-format drawings of the Master, a real full immersion inside the “Nagai mania”.
Romics has also welcomed Master Go Nagai with a celebratory concert, a sensational cast of musicians artistically related to the great master of japanese animation. To welcome Go Nagai the performance of Douglas Meakin, original vocalist in the themed song of Great Mazinger but also singer for Steel Jeeg. We also enjoyed on the stage Maestro Vito Tommaso, composer of themed songs for Getter Robot, Space Robot and Magne Robot Gakeen, as well as Golden Romics Luigi Albertelli, co-author with Vince Tempera of Ufo Robot Grendizer’s opening songs . Finally Go Nagai was also welcomed by memorable themed-songs performers such as i Raggi Fotonici, Stefano Bersola and the winners of the past editions of Romics Karaoke Award, Daniela Palumbo and Giulia Morelli, the dubbers Fabrizio Mazzotta and Giorgio Locuratolo, both leading voices in several Nagai’s series.