Saturday April 09 at 15:00
Public meeting with Golden Romics awarded Go Nagai
At Pala Romics – Sala Grandi Eventi e Proiezioni – Pavilion 6.
The story of the extraordinary career of master Go Nagai and a Q&A session in the final part of the meeting.
Sunday April 10 at 12:15
Golden Romics Award Ceremony
At Pala Romics – Sala Grandi Eventi e Proiezioni – Pavilion 6.
Master Go Nagai will be present to receive the Golden Romics Career Award
Try your luck and book your collectable autograph!
Romics makes available to all fans the possibility to meet Go Nagai on Sunday April 10 and receive a Special Romics Card signed by the master himself!
We remind you that there will be a limited number of signatures, upon request of master Go Nagai.
Participating is very easy:
Send an e-mail to the address entering name, surname and date of birth from 17:00 of March 21, 2016.
The lucky ones will be contacted by the organization of Romics.
The booking is strictly personal.
The time and location of the signature session with master Go Nagai on Sunday April 10 will only be notified to winners. Master Go Nagai will exclusively autograph the cards made available by the organization and consequently he will not sign any other support: art book, images, prints, gadgets, games, etc.