Two hundred thousand times Thank you!

Two hundred thousand  times Thank you!


200.000 Times Thank you.

Thanks to authors, comic-book illustrators, screenwriters, scriptwriters, publishers, critics  and journalists from comics sector who have taken part in conferences, contributing to the creation of a rich programme.

Thanks to Golden Romics Bruno Bozzetto who have made possible the organisation of a sensational exhibition for a journey through his extraordinary career in Italy and around the world; thanks to Golden Romics Mario Gomboli who has contributed to the outfitting  of a fascinating exhibition area  to  revisit the history of Diabolik, from the first issue, The King of Terror, until today. Thanks to Golden Romics  Francis Manapul, who has met the italian audience  to tell them about his career, a talent  growing at the speed of light!

Thanks to Stefano Babini and Lele Vianello, to Giuseppe Palumbo and Tito Faraci, Francesco Artibani. Thanks to those who have contributed to paying homage to the great  Lorenzo Bartoli: Alessandro Bottero, Moreno Burattini, Andrea Domestici, Spartaco Ripa.

Thanks to the great protagonists of animation world who took part to this XVIII edition of Romics: Christian De Vita, with his wonderful works on display, Michel Fuzellier, Franco Serra, Maurizio Forestieri, Emiliano Fasano and  Asifa Italia.

Thanks to Greg and his pupazzo Criminale! Thanks to the Japanese guests Takamasa Sakurai, Kahoru Yasuda and Eiko Yonezawa from Comicket and members of the IOEA executive.

Thanks to Wacom, Gimax and AIV, Vigamus for having accompanied the public in a captivating  journey through the video gaming entertaintment. Thanks to the YT stars: Favij, Clapis, De Carli and Zoda, who have met their public in Romics, the event which confirms its important role as aggregator!

Thanks to Comics schools, Aromacademy, the comic-book authors and teachers who have offered a specific programming for children. Thanks to publishers, italian and international exhibitors, majors, production and distribution companies.

Thanks to all those we have not mentioned, but that we do not forget... And  200 thousand times thanks to our wonderful audience!